April 18, 2013

Marymount Library Adds Over 3,800 New E-Books

Marymount Library has recently added over 3,8000 scholarly titles to its growing collection of e-books.  The new titles are available on the ebrary platform and are from over 150 publishers including University of Oxford University Press, North Carolina Press, De Grutyer, University of Pennsylvania Press, and many more.

With the recent addition, Marymount Library now provides access to over 85,000 e-books available to students, faculty and staff 24/7.  In addition to round the clock, anywhere access, this growing collection of e-books enables the Library to provide access to far more titles than is possible with physical books.  If the newly added e-books were acquired as physical books, the Library would need at least another 110 shelves to house them all.

Some of the new titles include:

Lessons from the Identity Trail, by Ian Kerr, Carole Lucock, and Valerie Steeves (Oxford UP, 2009).


America's Four Gods, by Paul Froese and Christopher Bader (Oxford UP, 2010).

The American West at Risk, by Howard G. Wilson, Jane E. Nielson, Richard W. Hazlett (Oxford UP, 2008).
