NPR honors Marymount Adjunct's Book Best of 2012 Historical Fiction
Congratulations to Regina O'Melveny, a Marymount English Adjunct Professor, whose work "The Book of Madness and Cures" was honored by NPR, along with five others, as being the best historical fiction of 2012! What an incredible acknowledgement of her work.
From an NPR reviewer: "I was enthralled by this strikingly original and gorgeously written quest story. In Venice, anno 1590, we meet Gabriella Mondini, a physician trained by her father, who sponsored her entry in the otherwise all-male Physicians' Guild. As the novel opens, he's been missing for 10 years, having left on a journey and never returned. His letters home, meanwhile, reflect an increasingly troubled mind. Without his patronage, Gabriella can no longer remain in the guild or practice medicine. Following the clues in his letters, she embarks on an epic journey to find her lost father, an odyssey that takes her through the dark forests of Germany all the way to Edinburgh."
Good news: the Library has a copy of Regina's book for your reading pleasure. View details here.